

Looking for:
1. Find a spot: Beach, School, Work... 2. Pick up rubbish for 66 seconds 3. Take a picture or Video 4. Recycle, Reuse or Dispose of rubbish 5. Post picture on Social Media 6. Nominate your best friend to do the        #66SecondChallenge within 24 hours
Want to help:
By inspiring them.
Looking for:
elkaar benaderen wanneer er een schoonmaak of prikactie is
Want to help:
daar waar mogelijk aansluiten bij initiatieven
Looking for:
We could have an annual clean up of my route from home to work.
Want to help:
I can help other members with cleaning up certain specific areas.
Looking for:
join in!
Want to help:
make a poster/flyer or join with you!
Looking for:
laten we samenbopruim momenten organiseren
Want to help:
Looking for:
Help me write letters to hotels and companies to lessen their plastic use and use other methods. lets talk about this and possibilities. Also trashcleanups around Rotterdam, The Hague.
Want to help:
I am versed on the phone and always very polite. My help is offered when trying to clean up an area.
Looking for:
I support the non-profit organization Cleanwave.org, based on the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean. I try to help them sell Stainless Steel drinkbottles so people do not have to bring plastic bottles to the beach that finaly end up in the sea.
Want to help:
Promote and support initiatives.
Looking for:
ook doen tijdens uitlaten
Want to help:
Looking for:
Want to help:
Looking for:
Actively take action against single-use plastics
Want to help:
I am always in for some plastic awareness actions
Looking for:
Meld je aan op cleanupdayzeist@gmail.com, of kom naar het Gemeentehuis op 15 september om 10 uur voor de kick-off!
Want to help:
Looking for:
If you're in the neighbourhood, let me know!
Want to help:
Listening to your stories.
Looking for:
We zijn op zoek naar technische mensen die bij ons, bv. in een reintergratie traject, kunnen helpen de machines aan de gang te krijgen en/of dat project kunnen begeleiden.
Want to help:
Wij kunnen vertellen over onze ervaringen en helpen bij het opzetten van zo'n project in jouw eigen wijk of dorp.
Looking for:
Niet onmiddellijk, ik ben vooral op zoek naar mogelijkheden om deze activiteit breder te verspreiden en collectiever te maken.
Want to help:
Meedoen met vergelijkbare activiteiten, dus als mensen een groter bootje hebben wil ik wel meevissen en ervaringen uitwisselen.
Looking for:
samen aan de slag
Want to help:
Looking for:
Join me in local activities!
Want to help:
I can sometimes introduce with people and organisations who have similar passions.
Looking for:
I will fill it in latter
Want to help:
Looking for:
I would like a group of people helping me to clean public areas once and a while together.
Want to help:
Looking for:
I am trying to get in touch with Ellen Rombouts.
Want to help:
Looking for:
We can pick up trash together
Want to help:
We can pick up trash together
Looking for:
Gelijkgezinden, die vanuit een positieve instelling iets willen doen voor de aarde
Want to help:
Looking for:
Graag zou ik een 'trashless' groep in Amersfoort e.o. willen opzetten om met elkaar vorm te geven aan dit onderwerp. Misschien is er al een groep en kan ik me aansluiten? Misschien zijn er mensen die met mij willen starten ...
Want to help:
Graag loop ik een keer mee met een andere groep om ideeën en inspiratie uit te wisselen.
Looking for:
Meedenken en meedoen altijd welkom.
Want to help:
Ik kan ook meedenken en meedoen.
Looking for:
Keep me informed.
Want to help:
Be inspiring.
Looking for:
Meehelpen met schoonmaak
Want to help:
meerhelpen met schoonmaak
Looking for:
I am curious to know if anyone else has noticed this particular form of pollution \ littering. I would also like to know if there is any one out there who knows how to navigate environmental law... As I would like some advice ....
Want to help:
I am not sure I will be much use to anyone else ,as Im new to the digital age... and still learning to type . But ,I will always stand up for the earth.. and its always good to feel connected with others.
Looking for:
On September 2nd. the 100% sustainable sailingyacht New Nexus left Groningen. On board Niels and Tjerk. During three years they sail around the world. On their journey we organise Beach Clean Ups with local organisations. The children in these countries/islands we try to connect with children on elementary schools in Groningen. Check the interactivemap on www.4greenfoundation.com and join.
Want to help:
Looking for:
Kom je aanmelden op onze facebookpagina (https://www.facebook.com/groups/huizenschoon/?ref=bookmarks) en zodra je een actie tegenkomt waar je wilt helpen kan je je even aanmelden via www.huizenschoon.nl
Want to help:
Zelf een vrijwilligersorganisatie in je eigen gemeente opzetten? Graag zijn wij bereid je te helpen de start te maken en waar nodig te ondersteunen met raad en daad.
Looking for:
Spread the word about Zero Waste!
Want to help:
I've got many ideas about how to reduce waste and clutter at home. Easy solutions, convenient replacements. And with my business oodles and pinches I offer a variety of natural, zero waste products.
Looking for:
I would like to gather a group of likeminded people to help keep our beautiful village of Heeze clean, every 3 months, for 1 evening.
Want to help:
Looking for:
By making me laugh
Want to help:
By making them laugh
Looking for:
Just follow this example
Want to help:
Let me know
Looking for:
Samen alert blijven met name wat betreft vervuiling van de Waddenzee en de Noordzee.
Want to help:
Contact houden. Schoonmaakacties ondersteunen en /of organiseren.
Looking for:
Ken je organisaties of groepen in de buurt die soortgelijke doelen hebben als Trashless earth? Stuur me een berichtje! Dat helpt me zeer.
Want to help:
Helpen om de wereld schoner te maken door de doelen en ideeën van Trashless Earth te verspreiden, het organiseren van evenementen en het uitvoeren hiervan.
Looking for:
Help out!
Want to help:
Looking for:
Brainstorming for what is next for clean up efforts here.
Want to help:
Support on how to start up a clean-up group.
Looking for:
Follow us on FB Join us occasianally at a beach cleanup
Want to help:
Just ask
Looking for:
Very simple: If you want to help clean the world, and enjoy a good conversation, you can help me by doing anything to promote our goal. It can be anything from writing a comment to joining an event, telling a friend, or even bringing together your own community!
Want to help:
If there are any questions, or you need someone to help your projects, you can count on my support. I can help in any way I can, and gladly do my best to support your ideas.
Looking for:
As we are new to the initiative of trashless, I would like some information on certain things we could do/volunteer for in the organisation
Want to help:
Looking for:
Through inspiration and new ideas of how we can spread and share the message and create or join activities that lead to plastic reduction.
Want to help:
By actively gathering information about plastic reduction initiatives, bringing them to the table, sharing them with others and co-creating new ideas of how we can help.
Looking for:
Wil je een keer samen lopen? Graag!!!!  
Want to help:
Looking for:
I love to write about social programs and gatherings in Eindhoven, if you know some, please contact me.
Want to help:
Well, as I said, I am a writer, so perhaps that is what you are looking for.
Looking for:
Doing some plogging together.
Want to help:
Joining a plogging run (or some other (cleaning) activity).
Looking for:
Samen zwerfafval opruimen en ideeën met elkaar uitwisselen hoe we (zwerf)afval de aandacht kunnen geven die het verdient in alle lagen en leeftijdsgroepen van de Schijndelse samenleving.
Want to help:
Looking for:
Let me know when help is needed.
Want to help:
Giving talks or hands-on tackeling problems.
Looking for:
To inspire, to discuss, to help with valuable contacts in the retail, government, to create  awareness, to collaborate to make a difference!
Want to help:
To motivate and stimulate action in state of complaining and my network
Looking for:
I'm always happy to meet other people trying to live zero waste!
Want to help:
Looking for:
Keertje samen op pad of trash event opzetten in combi met mtb route bijv lijkt me tof!
Want to help:
Ik wil best een keer komen helpen of meedenken
Looking for:
Would be awesome to find a community in Berlin to liberate the city from trash!
Want to help:
I can help with my great dedication, creativity and joy!
Looking for:
Misschien tzt mee doen?
Want to help:
Looking for:
It would be nice wo meet up during actions organized by the two groups I volunteer for in order to get to know each other and help each other out
Want to help:
I can participate in actions organized by other members and share experience and knowledge on mobilizing people etc.
Looking for:
Come and walk along the Oosterschelde and enjoy the beautiful nature and make it more beautiful by clearing plastick.
Want to help:
I would like to walk in other places and clean up plastic
Looking for:
Like Minded people to join plastic attacks, What is a plastic attack? Going to a supermarket or other outlet, doing your normal shopping, and leaving all plastic packaging behind to give a visual representation of how much plastic packaging is used. These attacks are done peacefully and in agreement with the given supermarket / shop.
Want to help:
Looking for:
Door samen b.v. 1x per maand in Buitenveldert (Gelderlandplein en omgeving) op te ruimen.
Want to help:
Door samen b.v. 1x per maand in Buitenveldert (Gelderlandplein en omgeving) op te ruimen.
Looking for:
Maybe making appointments for cleaning up together?  
Want to help:
The same as written above  
Looking for:
Start and continue the conversation about the negative impact of single-use plastics. Take for example a plastic straw: you only use it for 5 minutes and it takes 200 years to degrade in our environment. Inspire your favourite restaurants to stop using plastic straws and switch to an eco-friendly alternative. You can also bring your own reusable straw whenever you go out so you can refuse plastic straws everywhere you go.
Want to help:
I would love to hear more initiatives that are being taken to reduce single-use plastics, so we can spread the word about the initiatives in our networks!
Looking for:
We would love to grow more followers on our instagram account. This is our main channel at the moment. So if you like what we do and want to stay updated about our activities, feel free to  follow us: https://www.instagram.com/revolutionlust/
Want to help:
We'd like to show the world what kind of amazing sustainable initiatives are already out there. If you have or are working on a sustainable project / innovation / company, feel free to contact us and we might dedicate a post or even a video about this initiative.
Looking for:
Zijn er mensen in de buurt die eens per week mee willen doen?
Want to help:
Ik sluit me graag aan bij andere actievelingen in de buurt.
Looking for:
Want to help:
Looking for:
I like to clean and have a great party together!
Want to help:
I like to organise and I know where to go.
Looking for:
Picking up trash
Want to help:
Picking up trash
Looking for:
Picking up trash
Want to help:
Picking up trash
Looking for:
I would be nice to pick trash together with other people. Now I do it alone very often and with other people it must be more fun!
Want to help:
I would like to learn other people about living zero waste and where in my surrounding a lot of garbage is found.
Looking for:
Door het leven nog leuker en mooier te maken.
Want to help:
Op dezelfde manier.
Looking for:
Help to collect garbage/litter during one of our events. Tell other people about it.
Want to help:
Advice. Depending on the location of your event I can inform interested participants.
Looking for:
We kunnen gezellig samen wandelen en tegelijk het zwerfvuil opruimen. De activiteiten kunnen we uitbreiden naar andere natuurgebieden in Oost Zeeuws- Vlaanderen.
Want to help:
Looking for:
Discussing ideas and strategies
Want to help:
Investigating, gathering info, creating designs, websites, pictures
Looking for:
Meld je aan via de Facebook pagina van Straatjutters Leiderdorp en doe gezellig mee! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1927896883953613/
Want to help:
Looking for:
spread the knowledge.
Want to help:
Looking for:
I would like to be kept up to date with the latest progressions in waste solutions.
Want to help:
I like to bring people together and support other supporters.
Looking for:
I am looking for wordpress developers and php programmers who can help in optimizing the platform
Want to help:
If you have feedback on how the platform can work better for you and your initiatives please let me know.
Looking for:
By joing me for a walk
Want to help:
Looking for:
Vereniging Sarphatipark organiseert 3x per jaar een schoonmaak-rondje in het park. Het is altijd op een zondag van 12:00-14:00 uur en we starten in het Groengemaal met koffie, thee en taart. We zijn meestal met z'n tienen en vinden het leuk om dit met elkaar te doen en het geeft ons het gevoel dat het park een beetje van ons is.
Want to help:
Ik zal de datums bekend maken op deze site. Maar ik geloof dat er in 2018 geen schoonmaak-akties meer gepland staan.
Looking for:
Picking litter is one of my hobbies :-) but I prefer doing it together. Don't hesitate to contact me if you're nearby, maybe we can clean up together!
Want to help:
Looking for:
Reduciendo su consumo, siendo responsables y ayudandonos a participar en las limpiezas que hagamos a futuro.
Want to help:
Compartiendo su información de eventos, siendo responsable con mi consumo y dando el ejemplo de un mundo mejor sin plástico
Looking for:
Join in our monthly beach clean ups in the harbour of Lauwersoog or visit the Sealcentre learn more about our work and what we may have to offer you.
Want to help:
The Sealcentre has a lot of oppertunities for volunteers and interns on various departments; we can offer internships and volunteering positions in the sealcare department, the veterinary and science departments or with our education team. Due to the kind of work we do here, we are a rescue centre and hospital, there can be some heavy times, both emotionally and physically. But, we hope that with the right attitude and professionalism it would be a rewarding and satisfying experience to help those seals in need. Previous experience with wild animals is not required as there will be full training and reference material given. The preferable candidates are at least 18 years old, will be able to dedicate a length of stay from a minimum of 8 weeks till a max of 24 weeks. Because of the international character of the centre and the campus the main spoken language is English. You need to speak and understand English to qualify for an internship or volunteering position. We can offer housing for volunteers en interns on our campus. Feel free to ask us for the conditions!