

Zero Waste Croatia
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Loose Enschede voor verpakkingsvrije boodschappen in Nederland
Loose is dé webshop voor verpakkingsvrije boodschappen in Nederland. Wij verzenden dagelijks boodschappen binnen Nederland en in Enschede (onze vestigingsstad) bezorgen wij boodschappen op zondag tussen 17:00 en 19:00 op de fiets bij u thuis!
Rifuzl plastic free grocery shop
Do you want to live with less plastic waste and shop sustainably? Come to Rifuzl with your own glass jars and fill them with locally sourced, mostly organic groceries and other products. We're Manca & Primož and Rifuzl is the way how we help keep our planet clean of plastic. Some years ago we've been on vacations with our friends in Greece. One evening we've been waiting for the sunset and notices there are countless number of plastic pieces in the sand we've been sitting on. We wondered how did the plastic come to such a beautiful and remote beach and came up with the idea of the supermarket where nothing is packages in plastic. The idea grew over time in us and in 2018 we decided to quit our jobs to open the first zero waste grocery store in Slovenia.
Nyhavn conceptstore
In april 2015 ben ik – Karen – Conceptstore NYHAVN gestart in het winkelpand in de Koningsstraat waar bijna 100 jaar Hensen bedrijfskleding heeft gezeten. Hieronder lees je in het interview met De Zaak het verhaal over hoe ik hiertoe ben gekomen. De winkel is vernoemd naar de wijk Nyhavn in Kopenhagen. Kort daarvoor was ik met vriendinnen in deze oude haven, die nu weer helemaal hot en trendy is. Ik vind het leuk om een winkel naar een plek te vernoemen. Ik herinnerde mij Nyhavn, wat ik een leuke plek vind, en het betekent nieuwe haven, wat Conceptstore NYHAVN voor mij en voor mijn klanten is.
Zero waste shop 17.listopadu 1040/11, Cheb 350 02
Ethical Ernie
Over the last year or so the amount of ethical products in the marketplace has exploded. But ethical doesn’t always mean what it sounds like. We have seen many plastic ‘ethical’ products, many ‘ethical’ products that contain animal derivatives and many products claiming to be something they’re simply not. The other thing we noticed was the price! Ethical products do cost more than the standard alternatives and we know this probably puts a lot of people off so we do everything we can to keep the prices as low as possible. I know many companies claim this but we really do all we can to offer the products at the lowest possible price. We constantly check our prices to ensure they are among, if not the cheapest in the UK and are always looking for innovative products to add to our collection. Ernie’s Zero Waste Shop 137-139 Magdalen Street Norwich Norfolk NR3 1NF
Oodles and Pinches
oodles and pinches is an adventure, a journey towards a Zero Waste Delivery Service in Haarlem and beyond. The goal is to make it super easy for you to buy anything you would buy in a supermarket but in a Zero Waste manner, delivered to your home. To make it packaging free you’ll be able to return any packaging with your next delivery. No more runs to the trash can! Aaaahh… big dreams! Right? But, only who dreams big, goes far! Step by step, product by product towards Zero Waste (or Low Waste). Converting towards a Zero Waste Lifestyle is a fun expedition.
Oceonics webshop bathroom zero plastic products
These days we are becoming more and more aware of what we consume and especially plastic is becoming more and more of a problem. Our society consumes too much plastic which is very difficult to recycle. We noticed that we use a lot of plastic products in the bathroom and we want to change this. For this reason, we decided to start offering plastic-free products for the bathroom. We believe that every conscious choice helps, no matter how small it is.
Dille & Kamille shops and webshop for zero plastic
Make sure to stop at @dilleenkamille to check out their plastic free alternatives for kitchen supplies. They mostly use metal and wood! check their map for their shops in the Netherlands https://www.dille-kamille.nl/nl/content/4421/winkels-nederland/ and Belgium https://www.dille-kamille.nl/nl/content/4422/winkels-belgie/
Kartent cardboard tents for your festival
Your ‘ordinary tent’ is produced in faraway countries, with sometimes disputable environmental laws. After its production, it goes through a polluting travel of several months over sea to be shipped to your country. KarTent, is always produced locally, wherever you are.
Billenboetiek washable diaper shop in Utrecht
Anne is afgestudeerd in Humanistiek en werkte daarvoor bij een platenzaak. Hij had nooit gedacht gepassioneerd over luiers te worden en moest zijn vooroordelen over wasbare luiers (en de mensen die ze gebruiken) even aan de kant zetten, maar was al snel helemaal om. Hij houdt van gemak, eenvoud, kwaliteit en design en vindt dat allemaal terug in de 21e-eeuwse wasbare luier. Hanna is afgestudeerd theaterdocent en werkt nu voor de Nederlandse Spoorwegen. Door haar zijn de wasbare luiers in het gezin geïntroduceerd. Imme is de oudste zoon en proefpersoon voor alle luiers van de Billenboetiek. Lev, zijn broertje helpt hem sinds kort met deze verantwoordelijke functie. Hun mening weegt zwaar, maar er zijn gelukkig ook freelance testers aan de Billenboetiek verbonden. Het gezin woont in Utrecht en wil heel Nederland, maar in eerste instantie vooral hun eigen stad aan de wasbare luier helpen. Wist je dat alleen al in Utrecht ieder jaar 9 miljoen kilo wegwerpluiers wordt gedumpt?
Repair cafe
A repair café is a meeting in which people repair household electrical and mechanical devices, computers, bicycles, clothing, etc. They are organised by and for local residents. Repair cafés are held at a fixed location where tools are available and where they can fix their broken goods with the help of volunteers.[1] Its objectives are to reduce waste, to maintain repair skills and to strengthen social cohesion.
Little Plant Pantry
Your Local Wholefoods Store With A Focus On Ethical Consumption Offering Healthy Natural Products & Minimising Waste Little Plant Pantry is a new plant-based zero-waste wholefoods store in Amsterdam. As a speciality food store with a focus on ethical consumerism and sustainability, we only offer healthy natural plant-based products and try to minimize waste by completely avoiding plastic, selling in bulk and finding compostable alternatives to traditional packaging. Besides stocking all the essentials for a healthy plant-based diet and for living a healthy lifestyle, the store also provides the highest quality handcrafted foods and beverages, baked, pickled, fermented or prepared as meals for taking home, either made by us or selected by us from like minded local artisan producers who meet and share our core values. The range of products sold in the store includes everything from fresh fruit and vegetables, grains and nuts sold loose to beautiful handmade natural cosmetics. Whether you prefer to cook at home following a recipe or pick up ready-made food at the store, we want to make sure that your meal does not only enrich your body but also is good for the environment.
Vegan Zero Waste Dish Washing Soap Block $ 18.00
This zero-waste vegan dish washing block by Notox Life is a cleaning powerhouse with a rich, sudsy lather. Cuts stubborn grime and grease, without drying out your hands. You can even use it for cleaning-duty all over your home. Take stains out of laundry, take labels off of jars, spot clean your carpet, use it to wipe down counters... it's a truly multipurpose product. This 8 oz bar will last a LONG time. We have been using ours for months at the kitchen sink and are finally putting a dent in it. Ingredients: 100% biodegradable coconut-based cleansers. Palm-oil free and vegan. Sulfate-free and paraben-free.
Terrasje Prikken
Papierprikken is goed voor je buurt, gezellig en ontspannend. Helemaal als je jezelf richting een leuk terras prikt!
Cero Basura en Bocas
CERO BASURA EN BOCAS is a program product of the Solid Waste Management Committee of Bocas del Toro. The Committee brings together non-governmental organizations such as SEA TURTLES CONSERVANCY (STC), ALIANZA BOCAS and FUNDACION PROMAR, companies such as SCHOOL FOR FIELD STUDIES (SFS) and HABLA YA, and the MUNICIPALITY OF BOCAS DEL TORO, with the ambitious goal of achieving the successful management of the solid waste of the district.
Selina Hostel Peurto Viejo
At the Selina hostels they organise regularly ‘Give back to the community’ actions including beach and jungle cleanups.
Selina Hostel Red Frog Isla Bastimentos
At the Selina hostels they organise regularly ‘Give back to the community’ actions including beach and jungle cleanups.
Selina Hostel Bocas del Toro, Isla Colon
At the Selina hostels they organise regularly activities part of 'Selina Gives back' including beach and jungle cleanups. ​Protecting the Environment: Reforestation Beach Cleanup Town Cleanup Environmental Education ​Open SGB activities: Sharing your Talent: Assisting future “Chef Kids” English instruction for locals Painting, building, and improving local infrastructure Teaching arts & crafts Inclusive surf classes Yoga lessons for locals To support local initiatives that contribute to building the identity and culture of local communities
Trash Hero
Trash Hero started in Thailand in 2013 as a movement with a group of like-minded individuals eager to do something about our local trash crisis. Organising weekly beach clean-ups, we educated volunteers about the effect that waste – and plastic in particular – is having on our environment. Today, the organisation consists of 61 official chapters in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos, China, Czech Republic, the United States, Singapore, Zimbabwe and Switzerland. Our latest collected figures, from end of June 2018, show more than 104,000 volunteers worldwide have participated in more than 3600 cleanups, removing almost 597 tons of garbage from beaches and cities. Event participants are sensitised to the global waste problem and are encouraged to return home and take a closer look at what they can do in their day-to-day lives.