
Active 6 years ago


Display Name

Gert Bron



About me

Groningen Schoon Dankzij Mij (GDSM) – op Facebook – is de participatieparaplu waaronder allerlei activiteiten voor schone woon-, school- en leefomgevingen in Stad en Ommeland hangen. Onze vijf MilieuStewards spelen daarbij een prominente rol. Zij bouwen met vrienden in de wijk vanuit bewustwording mee aan betrokkenheid bij kleine en grote initiatieven van bewoners en eigen acties. Dat varieert van ons lukrake lokale weggooigedrag tot plastic soep.

Groningen Clean Thanks To Me (GDSM) – on Facebook – is the participation umbrella including all kinds of activities for clean living, school and environments in the Town and Province. Our five MilieuStewards play a prominent role. They build with friends in the district, from awareness to involvement with small and large initiatives of residents and their own actions. That ranges from our haphazard local throw away attitude to plastic soup.







How can other members help you ?

On September 2nd. the 100% sustainable sailingyacht New Nexus left Groningen. On board Niels and Tjerk. During three years they sail around the world. On their journey we organise Beach Clean Ups with local organisations. The children in these countries/islands we try to connect with children on elementary schools in Groningen. Check the interactivemap on http://www.4greenfoundation.com and join.