
Active 6 years, 4 months ago




How can other members help you ?

We would love to grow more followers on our instagram account. This is our main channel at the moment. So if you like what we do and want to stay updated about our activities, feel free to  follow us: https://www.instagram.com/revolutionlust/

How can you help other members ?

We’d like to show the world what kind of amazing sustainable initiatives are already out there. If you have or are working on a sustainable project / innovation / company, feel free to contact us and we might dedicate a post or even a video about this initiative.


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About me


We are Anne & Ragna and sustainability & innovation are two of our passions. Combining these two passions led to our recently launched project : RevolutionLust. With this project we are raising awareness around sustainability and circular economy by providing a platform for all kinds of sustainable & innovative initiatives that are already out there. We like to keep it fun, inspiring and impactful.

Thrashless.earth suits our mission perfectly so we would love to join forces. 🙂

