Arthur De Smidt shared Trashless News: Landelijke opschoondag Den Andel 4 years ago
Vandaag voor de landelijke opschoondag ons mooie dorp #denandel opgeruimd.
De vondst bedroeg in totaal 61 items waarvan
9 stukjes van paars nylon draad
6 stukjes piepschuim
4 blikjes
4 bierdopjes
3 plastic […][Read More…]
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Arthur De Smidt shared Trashless News: Interview with Professor Jacob de Boer of the Environment & Health department at the Vrije University 4 years ago
Professor Jacob de Boer is the head of the Environmental & Health department at the Vrije University, Amsterdam. He is professor in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology. He is also Editor-in-Chief of Chemosphere […]
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Arthur De Smidt shared Globalnews: Briljant bedacht: hoe de plasticindustrie het idee verkoopt dat de burger z’n ‘eigen’ plastic op moet ruimen 5 years ago
Een paar jaar terug las de lobbyist een artikel over een huilende indiaan die zijn kijk op de plasticproblematiek voorgoed veranderen zou.
Het besprak de iconische Crying Indian-reclame van […][Read More…]
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Arthur De Smidt shared Globalnews: River Thames 'severely polluted with plastic' 5 years ago
The River Thames has some of the highest recorded levels of microplastics for any river in the world.
Scientists have estimated that 94,000 microplastics per second flow down the river in places.
The quantity […][Read More…]00 -
Arthur De Smidt shared Product: Bulk Rice 25KG paperbags 5 years ago
Bulk rice or other foodproducts can be ordered in 25kg paperbags. besides saving the environment you also save money by buying in bulk. Check out your local online store where they can deliver these in bulk at […][Read More…]
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Arthur De Smidt shared Globalnews: Strandrobot raapt peuken op in Scheveningen 5 years ago
Strandrobot raapt peuken op in Scheveningen. Badgasten op het strand in Scheveningen moeten deze zomer niet gek opkijken als er een robot voorbijkomt. Het gaat dan om Project.BB, een uitvinding die op initiatief […][Read More…]
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Arthur De Smidt shared Trashless News: 8 Million Tons of plastic entering the ocean 5 years ago
8 Million Tons of plastic entering the oceans every year.
Can you imagine how much plastic that is?
Jenna R. Jambeck of the University of Georgia calculated how much coastline you could fill with 8 Million […][Read More…]
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Arthur De Smidt shared Trashless News: Trashdating with 30 new International Students at the Vrije Universiteit 5 years ago
Trashdating with 30 new International students at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. They got to know each other in a new way during the introductionweek, through #Trashdating. @Trashless organised this event […]
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Arthur De Smidt shared Product: Sanature 100% Cotton Pantyliner 5 years ago
The natural protective properties of cotton: now in pantyliners. Sanature cotton pantyliners give you a fresh feeling throughout the day and prevent skin irritation.THE […][Read More…]
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Arthur De Smidt shared Globalnews: Coronavirus is causing a flurry of plastic waste. Campaigners fear it may be permanent 5 years ago
London (CNN)All of the defining images of the coronavirus pandemic seem to feature one thing: plastic.
Surgical masks, gloves, protective equipment, body bags — the Covid-19 crisis has spurred a rapid […][Read More…]
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Arthur De Smidt shared Trashless News: Packaging foam chips Polystyrene or natural 5 years ago
In these troubled times of corona and lockdowns many people depend on online deliveries.
Most companies use different materials for packaging chips or packing peanuts. However there is a big difference in […][Read More…]
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Arthur De Smidt posted an update 5 years ago
Can you imagine 8.000.000 ton of plastic waste?
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Arthur De Smidt shared Globalnews: Coronavirus: Starbucks bans reusable cups to help tackle spread 5 years ago
Starbucks branches have temporarily banned reusable cups in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
The coffee chain said customers would still receive a 25p discount for bringing reusable cups with them, but […][Read More…]00 -
Arthur De Smidt shared Globalnews: Yet Another Consequence of the Pandemic: More Plastic Waste 5 years ago
In some ways, the pandemic has been great for the environment: With heavy industries shutting down and fewer cars on the road, we’re spewing less greenhouse gases and air quality is vastly improving. “The wor […][Read More…]
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Arthur De Smidt shared Globalnews: CORONAVIRUS SURVIVES TWO TO THREE DAYS ON PLASTIC 5 years ago
The coronavirus can survive several days on hard surfaces such as plastic and stainless steel. In the air, that’s three hours. This result of recent laboratory research raises the question of how to handle p […][Read More…]
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Arthur De Smidt shared Globalnews: How can VR help in the fight against plastic soup 5 years ago
Researchers Guido van Koningsbruggen and Tilo Hartmann have joined forces with University of Amsterdam colleague Hande Sungur and have been awarded funding for their research project ‘Diving into S […][Read More…]
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Arthur De Smidt shared Globalnews: 4 Reasons to Ditch Your Shampoo Bottle for a Bar 5 years ago
SHAMPOO BARS—HAIR CLEANSER in bar soap form—are the latest trend in hair care products. Usually made of natural ingredients to promote hair health, they’re also easier on the environment and great for trave […][Read More…]
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Arthur De Smidt shared Product: BIO Sugarcane Bagasse Snack Tray 5 years ago
These snack trays made out of sugarcane bagasse are the most ECO friendly solution for the regular plastic ones. The straws of the plant are brought to the sugarcane factory where the juices are crushed from the […][Read More…]
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Arthur De Smidt shared Trashless News: Interview with Stephanie van der Wiel 5 years ago
We had an interview with @stephanievdwiel who travels around the world visiting indigenous people. She tries to help them with solutions how to deal with the plastics they find in their natural surroundings.
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Arthur De Smidt shared Trashless News: Interview with Yahya Ahmed Farouk from snackbar De Buurman Amsterdam 5 years ago
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