
Rifuzl plastic free grocery shop

Rifuzl plastic free grocery shop

Rifuzl plastic free grocery shop
Website organiser : https://rifuzl.si/en/

Do you want to live with less plastic waste and shop sustainably? Come to Rifuzl with your own glass jars and fill them with locally sourced, mostly organic groceries and other products.

We’re Manca & Primož and Rifuzl is the way how we help keep our planet clean of plastic.

Some years ago we’ve been on vacations with our friends in Greece. One evening we’ve been waiting for the sunset and notices there are countless number of plastic pieces in the sand we’ve been sitting on. We wondered how did the plastic come to such a beautiful and remote beach and came up with the idea of the supermarket where nothing is packages in plastic. The idea grew over time in us and in 2018 we decided to quit our jobs to open the first zero waste grocery store in Slovenia.


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