
Beach Clean Up Lauwersoog

Beach Clean Up Lauwersoog

Beach Clean Up Lauwersoog
Date : 2018-09-02
Start time : 14:00
End time: 16:00
Address: https://goo.gl/maps/rQ6WcujZwz52
Website organiser:
Tickets link : Tickets
Facebook link : Facebook

Every year, thousands of tonnes of waste pollute our Wadden Sea. The impact on marine life such as fish, seals, birds and all other living things is enormous.

The most common types of waste are plastic bags, cigarette butts, bottles and cans, straws, metals and rubber, balloons, various types of plastic and micro plastics. Lost fishing gear is unfortunately also frequently found in our Wadden Sea. In particular, stray nets still ‘catch’ thousands of animals a day.

Join Nils Gärtner Greskewitz from Sealcentre Pieterburen on Sunday 2 September to do something about this and help with cleaning up the harbor mouth and the fishing port of Lauwersoog. At 14:00 you can report at the starting point of the Beach Clean Up. We gather at this point: https://goo.gl/maps/rQ6WcujZwz52


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