Ben Lecomte is spending his summer swimming in trash – literally. So far, he’s found toothbrushes, laundry baskets, sandbox shovels and beer crates floating out in the open waters of the Pacific Ocean. The 52-year-old Frenchman is journeying from... Read more
Global News
Plastic garbage collected by a women’s group is being recycled into bricks and used to build schools in West Africa. 00 Read more
@thebiogonation Yes, yes, yes. It’s happening!!! These are pictures from a supermarket in Ubud. Plastic free vegetables wrapped in banana leaf!! 00 Read more
In the UK, where more than 3 million people go to music festivals each year, an estimated 23,500 tons of waste are produced annually. Almost 70% of this ends up in landfill, according to a report by Powerful Thinking,... Read more
article of Sharon Lerner about how the plastic industry works and is battling for survival. For those who don’t understand why we as don’t accept sponsor money from polluting companies or foundations that are totally funded by the... Read more
De Nederlandse frisdrankenbranche is erg terughoudend over het uitbreiden van statiegeld naar kleine plastic flesjes. Maar achter de schermen is er beweging. Joop Bouma18 juli 2019, 1:00 Langzaam verbrokkelt in de frisdrankensector de weerstand tegen uitbreiding van statiegeld op... Read more
MONTREAL — Canada on Monday joined a growing global movement with a plan to ban single-use plastics blighting the environment. Announcing the ban next to a lake at the picturesque Gault Nature Reserve in Mont St-Hilaire, outside of Montreal,... Read more
Abandoned plastics now account for 59% of the litter found in canals in England and Wales, according to new research which also reveals that more than half a million plastic items reach the oceans every year from the waterway... Read more
Malaysia will return 450 tonnes of contaminated plastic waste to the countries that shipped it, in a refusal to become a dumping ground for the world’s trash. Nine shipping containers at Port Klang, west of Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday... Read more