
Trashless News

Trashless news from around the world and our own reporters
Landelijke opschoondag Den Andel
Vandaag voor de landelijke opschoondag ons mooie dorp #denandel opgeruimd. De vondst bedroeg in totaal 61 items waarvan 9 stukjes van paars nylon draad 6 stukjes piepschuim 4 blikjes 4 bierdopjes 3 plastic flesjes 3 sigaretten peuken 3 antaflu papier 1 antaflu plastic 1 pizza doos 1 johma salade bakje en nog vele kleine plastic frutsels..[Read More]
Interview with Professor Jacob de Boer of the Environment & Health department at the Vrije University
Professor Jacob de Boer is the head of the Environmental & Health department at the Vrije University, Amsterdam. He is professor in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology. He is also Editor-in-Chief of Chemosphere (Elsevier). Professor De Boer has worked for more than 45 years on the contamination of the environment with persistent organic pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), brominated and...[Read More]
Briljant bedacht: hoe de plasticindustrie het idee verkoopt dat de burger z’n ‘eigen’ plastic op moet ruimen
Een paar jaar terug las de lobbyist een artikel over een huilende indiaan die zijn kijk op de plasticproblematiek voorgoed veranderen zou. Het besprak de iconische Crying Indian-reclame van non-profitorganisatie Keep America Beautiful uit 1971. Een indiaan peddelt zijn kano langs vies havengebied, over een rivier vol drijvend afval en meert aan aan een oever vol troep langs een snelweg....[Read More]
River Thames 'severely polluted with plastic'
The River Thames has some of the highest recorded levels of microplastics for any river in the world. Scientists have estimated that 94,000 microplastics per second flow down the river in places. The quantity exceeds that measured in other European rivers, such as the Danube and Rhine. Tiny bits of plastic have been found inside the bodies of crabs living...[Read More]
Strandrobot raapt peuken op in Scheveningen
Strandrobot raapt peuken op in Scheveningen. Badgasten op het strand in Scheveningen moeten deze zomer niet gek opkijken als er een robot voorbijkomt. Het gaat dan om Project.BB, een uitvinding die op initiatief van twee Haagse ondernemers Martijn Lukaart en Edwin Bos is gebouwd door studenten van de TU Delft. Deze Beachbot is speciaal geprepareerd om achtergebleven sigarettenpeuken in het...[Read More]
8 Million Tons of plastic entering the ocean
8 Million Tons of plastic entering the oceans every year. Can you imagine how much plastic that is? Jenna R. Jambeck of the University of Georgia calculated how much coastline you could fill with 8 Million Tons of plastic waste. Let's find out! [embed]https://youtu.be/XZ4fUidY4vo[/embed] Directed: Arthur de Smidt , Trashless.Earth Visuals: Sander Pappot, Zender Music: RomanSenykMusic Research: Jenna R Jambeck...[Read More]
Trashdating with 30 new International Students at the Vrije Universiteit
Trashdating with 30 new International students at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. They got to know each other in a new way during the introductionweek, through #Trashdating. @Trashless organised this event together with the Green Office VU for the new students. The day started with a quiz about the plastic pollution as a warm up. The students trashdates were determined at...[Read More]
Coronavirus is causing a flurry of plastic waste. Campaigners fear it may be permanent
London (CNN)All of the defining images of the coronavirus pandemic seem to feature one thing: plastic. Surgical masks, gloves, protective equipment, body bags -- the Covid-19 crisis has spurred a rapid expansion in the production of desperately-needed plastic products, with governments racing to boost their stockpiles and regular citizens clamoring for their share of supplies. Such production is necessary. But...[Read More]
Packaging foam chips Polystyrene or natural
In these troubled times of corona and lockdowns many people depend on online deliveries. Most companies use different materials for packaging chips or packing peanuts. However there is a big difference in packaging foam chips Polystyrene or natural  even when they look alike. The green ones in this picture are made of plastic while the white ones are made of...[Read More]
Coronavirus: Starbucks bans reusable cups to help tackle spread
Starbucks branches have temporarily banned reusable cups in response to the coronavirus outbreak. The coffee chain said customers would still receive a 25p discount for bringing reusable cups with them, but drinks would be served in paper cups. Great Western Railway and LNER have banned reusable cups on trains - but GWR scrapped the policy after days. A hygiene expert...[Read More]
Yet Another Consequence of the Pandemic: More Plastic Waste
In some ways, the pandemic has been great for the environment: With heavy industries shutting down and fewer cars on the road, we’re spewing less greenhouse gases and air quality is vastly improving. “The world is breathing better, objectively,” says Tom Szaky, the founder and CEO of the recycling company TerraCycle. “This is the great irony—the world will breathe better...[Read More]
The coronavirus can survive several days on hard surfaces such as plastic and stainless steel. In the air, that’s three hours. This result of recent laboratory research raises the question of how to handle plastic packaging to prevent contamination. American laboratory research has shown that the coronavirus can survive up to 72 hours on plastic and metal. This means that...[Read More]
How can VR help in the fight against plastic soup
Researchers Guido van Koningsbruggen and Tilo Hartmann have joined forces with University of Amsterdam colleague Hande Sungur and have been awarded funding for their research project ‘Diving into Sustainability’. This project will be using virtual reality (VR) as a learning platform to promote sustainable behaviour.[Read More]
4 Reasons to Ditch Your Shampoo Bottle for a Bar
SHAMPOO BARS—HAIR CLEANSER in bar soap form—are the latest trend in hair care products. Usually made of natural ingredients to promote hair health, they’re also easier on the environment and great for travel. Here are five reasons to make the switch from bottle to bar.[Read More]
Interview with Stephanie van der Wiel
We had an interview with @stephanievdwiel who travels around the world visiting indigenous people. She tries to help them with solutions how to deal with the plastics they find in their natural surroundings. [embed]https://www.instagram.com/p/B5c7gLlnn3a/[/embed][Read More]
Interview with Yahya Ahmed Farouk from snackbar De Buurman Amsterdam
[embed]https://www.instagram.com/p/B6QEksWHVPk/[/embed] Meet Yahya Ahmed Farouk from snackbar De Buurman Amsterdam in #westerpark #amsterdamHe is on a quest to make his snackbar plastic free!And sells great #fries and home made #falafel as well! A true #trashlesshero[Read More]
Interview Dieuwke Reuvers of Trashhero Amsterdam
[embed]https://www.instagram.com/p/B4P4zWZngIp/[/embed]Interview with Dieuwke Reuvers of Trashhero Amsterdam who organises weekly cleanups throughout the city of Amsterdam[Read More]
The Ocean Cleanup aims to tackle the 1,000 most polluting rivers, responsible for about 80% of ocean plastic pollution, before the end of 2025. Today, we unveiled the invention to prevent the unrelenting flow of plastic pollution into the world’s oceans. The Interceptor™, under development since 2015, which complements our founding mission of ridding the world’s oceans of plastic. “To...[Read More]
Italy uses pasta straws to prevent plastic contamination!!
Forget plastic and paper straws. The Italians have found the ultimate solution that ends the straw discussion once and for all: pasta straws. They looked at their world-famous kitchen and thought that hard pasta can we just use as a straw? Another problem that the delicious pasta from Italy knows how to remedy. Pasta never disappoints! Simple and brilliantSo you...[Read More]
Interview with Jeff Kirschner founder of Litterati
Trashless spoke to Jeff Kirschner, founder of Litterati, the mobile app that encourages users to pick up and track litter. Litterati’s 3 million plus users have recorded 3.7 million items of litter and the app is heel simple to use.Just take a picture of a piece of litter, and the app immediately marks it with a geo-tag and time stamp....[Read More]
#plogging #ploggingnetherlands collected
#plogging #ploggingnetherlands collected a lot of trash at #trashlesstival supervised by @sportholistics1 #amsterdamnoord #amsterdam[Read More]
Interview with Tijmen Sissing the Trashpacker
“Hoe is het allemaal begonnen?” “Na een burn out moest ik alles uit mijn agenda schrappen. Door die leegte heb ik toen als stip aan de horizon een reis ingepland, zodat ik weer ergens naar kon toeleven. Ik had een projectje opgezet om in elk land iets waardevols achter te laten, met als naam ‘Spread the sesame’. De letters van...[Read More]
Less Trash, More Schools — One Plastic Brick at a Time
Plastic garbage collected by a women’s group is being recycled into bricks and used to build schools in West Africa.[Read More]
Interview Elisah Pals from Zero Waste Nederland
[embed]https://www.instagram.com/p/B0l0PeIHHjT/[/embed]Interview Elisah Pals from Zero Waste Nederland https://zerowastenederland.nl/[Read More]
Paddling in plastic: meet the man swimming the Pacific garbage patch
Ben Lecomte is spending his summer swimming in trash – literally. So far, he’s found toothbrushes, laundry baskets, sandbox shovels and beer crates floating out in the open waters of the Pacific Ocean. The 52-year-old Frenchman is journeying from Hawaii to San Francisco via the Great Pacific Garbage Patch to better understand how plastic is affecting our oceans. He will...[Read More]
Plastic free vegetables, Ubud, Indonesia
@thebiogonation Yes, yes, yes. It's happening!!! These are pictures from a supermarket in Ubud. Plastic free vegetables wrapped in banana leaf!![Read More]
Waste Only How the plastic industry is fighting to keep polluting the world
article of Sharon Lerner about how the plastic industry works and is battling for survival. For those who don't understand why we as trashless.earth don't accept sponsor money from polluting companies or foundations that are totally funded by the packaging industry this article explains it all! The students at Westmeade Elementary School worked hard on their dragon. And it paid...[Read More]
Sup de Rijp schoon in Noord-Holland
Vandaag was Sup de Rijp schoon in Noord-Holland. Georganiseerd door Daniella Ernsting Koorn en Franka van iksupschermer die de supboards verzorgde. Een prachtige dag die leidde langs vele mooie plekjes nauwe slootjes en lage bruggetjes. Veel piepschuim en bouwhout werd gevonden en in de emmers gedaan die vast waren gemaakt op de supboards. Een van de jongeren had dusdanig grote...[Read More]
How not to trash the planet at a festival
In the UK, where more than 3 million people go to music festivals each year, an estimated 23,500 tons of waste are produced annually. Almost 70% of this ends up in landfill, according to a report by Powerful Thinking, an organization working to improve the industry's sustainability record. Sleep in a cardboard tent Plastic bottles are not the only items...[Read More]
Beweging in de frisdrankbranche: producent van Royal Club en Sourcy lonkt naar statiegeld
De Nederlandse frisdrankenbranche is erg terughoudend over het uitbreiden van statiegeld naar kleine plastic flesjes. Maar achter de schermen is er beweging. Joop Bouma18 juli 2019, 1:00 Langzaam verbrokkelt in de frisdrankensector de weerstand tegen uitbreiding van statiegeld op kleine plastic flesjes. Bedrijven beginnen te beseffen dat met inzameling zonder premie de doelen die de branche in 2018 afsprak met...[Read More]
Report Zero Waste Supermarket Little Plant Pantry
Waste-less grocery shopping can be a challenge nowadays. Even though there are many supermarket brands in the Netherlands that engage in the fight against plastic pollution by reducing their plastic wrappers, a completely plastic free shopping trip is seemingly impossible. Too many ingredients, such as rice, biscuits or even vegetables are packaged in plastic containers resulting from it’s relatively low...[Read More]
Interview Maria Koijck Big problems require big statements
Big problems require big statements Interview with Maria Koijck by Roan Jagersma Every person involved with raising awareness for the plastic problem does it in its own way. For Maria Koijck this means using her art as a way to get people involved with, and aware of plastic. As an art academy graduate, Maria started creating plastic related art after...[Read More]
Canada bans single use plastics from 2021
MONTREAL — Canada on Monday joined a growing global movement with a plan to ban single-use plastics blighting the environment. Announcing the ban next to a lake at the picturesque Gault Nature Reserve in Mont St-Hilaire, outside of Montreal, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he wanted his children to be able to play on the beach or swim in a...[Read More]
Ruganzu utilises waste materials such as
Ruganzu utilises waste materials such as plastic bottles, tyres etc. to create amusement parks for children residing in the slums of Kampala. Ruganzu says: "Play is a neglected and essential component of urban life for kids and, of course, adults too. Play is inextricably linked with health, creativity and innovation. We build recycled playgrounds out of waste to engage children...[Read More]
Interview with #texelplasticvrij People
Interview with #texelplasticvrij People stand up, all over the world, to connect, become creative and do something about it. #trashlesshero #plasticfreeoceans #plasticfreeworld #unenvironment #plasticfreeocean[Read More]
Plastic accounts for 60% of litter in English and Welsh canals
Abandoned plastics now account for 59% of the litter found in canals in England and Wales, according to new research which also reveals that more than half a million plastic items reach the oceans every year from the waterway network. The new findings are from the Canal & River Trust – the charity that looks after 2,000 miles of canals...[Read More]
Company Turns Avocado Pit Waste Into Biodegradable Straws and Cutlery APRIL 15, 2019 AT 4:46 PM
Man figures out how to make bioplastic out of food waste, rather than food, making it as cheap as regular plastic. With all the single-use plastic bans coming into effect around the world, there is a demand for biodegradable alternatives. The trouble is some biodegradable plastics are still made from fossil fuel, and 80 percent of biodegradable “bioplastics” are made...[Read More]
We're Now At A Million Plastic Bottles Per Minute 91% Of Which Are Not Recycled
Please read Forbes most recent article: We're Now At A Million Plastic Bottles Per Minute - 91% Of Which Are Not Recycled. At the very end of the article they say this: Globally, we will have to manage the increasing risk of plastics in our environment and the harmful consequences that lie therein. As any global challenge such as climate...[Read More]
Plastic waste dumped in Malaysia will be returned to UK, US and others
Malaysia will return 450 tonnes of contaminated plastic waste to the countries that shipped it, in a refusal to become a dumping ground for the world's trash. Nine shipping containers at Port Klang, west of Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday were found to contain mislabeled plastic and non-recyclable waste, including a mixture of household and e-waste. Yeo Bee Yin, minister of...[Read More]
